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What Is DNA?

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Essential Takeaways

Your DNA contains your unique genetic code. Everyone carries slightly different versions of genes. Your unique combination of genetic variants is what makes you different from everyone else!
Some genetic variants are associated with health issues or conditions. Fortunately, you can change the expression of many of your genes to reach optimal health!
Learning about your genes helps you not only understand your risks, but helps you find the best ways to stay happier, healthier, and optimal. Start discovering your DNA with SelfDecode!


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Start decoding your health with SelfDecode today.

Your DNA Is Your Body’s Blueprint.

Your DNA, AKA Deoxyribonucleic Acid – contains your genetic code. Everyone’s DNA is completely unique, because it’s made up of a code that varies from person to person. So, at least when we say, “You’ll never find anyone else like me!” you’re actually correct 😉

But what is a gene?

Genes are pieces of code in your DNA. Some genes are long (like, 2 million letters long) and some are shorter, like a few hundred letters long.

You get two copies of each gene: one from your mom, and one from your dad – resulting in your unique genetic code. EVERYONE carries slightly different versions of genes, and the places where your genes are different are called genetic variants.

Our unique combination of genetic variants is what makes us different from everyone else!

Some genetic variants are associated with health issues.

But here’s the interesting part: you can change the expression of many of your genes!

Although your genetic variants can impact your chances of developing certain diseases and other health issues, your unique genetic code can also affect the way your body responds to certain diets, supplements, and lifestyle choices!

Discovering how your genetics play a role in your health helps you understand your risks, but also gives you everything you need to reach optimal health.

Your DNA is your life code.

Take back control of your health and find out what your DNA has to say about you by checking your genes. Get started with your own DNA Test Kit and let SelfDecode help you on your journey to precision health!

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